Ryan Printup

Musician funding his obssesion through Electrical & Software Engineering.

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Ryan Printup

Born and raised in Buffalo, New York, I took an interest in computers from a young age. I began teaching myself software development when I was around 12-years old through web development before slowly branching into more languages. When it came time to choose a college major, I decided to pursue Electrical Engineering as my hardware background was limited.

Through my background in software and education in hardware, I was able to find a passion for Embedded Systems. As I advanced in my undergraduate studies, I found out I loved learning about the low-level workings of computers and the interconnection of hardware and software. Through various jobs, clubs, courses, and personal projects, I exposed myself to more embedded systems; specifically real-time. Now, I pursue this field as a career.

Outside of work and pet projects, I involve myself in a variety of hobbies. Most notably, I have been a guitarist since the age of 12. I have written my own music as well as been a part of many bands. At home, I am an avid home cook always working on my techniques and recipes. To burn off the countless calories I consume because of this, I like to run. I periodically sign up for races, but mostly just enjoy nature and the sunshine on my runs.

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